After concerns about an increase in crime and several shootings and homicides recently, the Dover Police have reactivated their street crime unit. This unit is tasked with enforcing a zero tolerance approach to all crimes. The unit will aggressively patrol high-crime areas of Dover in an effort to reduce both minor and major crimes.

According to a recent WBOC news report, "the street crime unit first went into effect after a rash of shootings last summer. After its street crime unit went into effect the city saw changes. According to the department, the unit only lasted a few months in 2014 because of lack of man power." Now, because of the uptick in violence and the unit's success in the past, the street crimes unit will likely become a permanent fixture in the community.

There have been numerous serious crimes recently and the police should be lauded for trying to respond. However, surveillance, aggressive policing and "zero tolerance" may all sound attractive to residents concerned about safety and security. But the police, in Dover and in all cities, should be reminded that their jobs are much easier when they appear to be on the side of the community rather than simply enforcers of the law. If police tactics are perceived as overly aggressive and the rights of citizens are compromised in any way, the street crimes unit may struggle to reduce crime in Dover over the long run.